The world of tea and infusions: Beginners guide to start your tea journey

The world of tea and infusions: Beginners guide to start your tea journey

There is something undeniably magical about a cup of tea, don't you think? It's not just a beverage; it's a ritual, a moment of tranquility in a busy world. As a tea lover, you may have encountered a culture where people start their day with a rich cup of milk tea while some prefer to savor a strong brew of yerba mate. Either way, the intention is to get a refreshing beginning for the day, and that's how close we are to the world of teas and infusions. If you're just beginning your exploration into the world of tea and infusions, this blog is here to awaken your senses and take you on a journey through the diverse and fascinating world of tea and infusions.

 Be immersed in delicate floral notes, robust earthy brews, and soothing herbal infusions.

What are teas?

Tea! Is the elixir that has captivated hearts and minds for centuries. From the lush green tea gardens of Japan to the mist-covered hills of Darjeeling, every sip holds a tale of culture, history, and craftsmanship. Well, this is the world of tea, and let's explore this flavor serenity in detail.

Tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is native to East Asia. The primary tea types include green, black, oolong, white, and pu erh tea. How the leaves are processed and oxidized determines each tea's distinctive characteristics and flavors. The result? A captivating array of teas that each tells a unique story.

If we take a peek into history, the origins of tea can be traced back to ancient China, around 5,000 years ago. The popular legend relates to Emperor Shen Nong, the ancient Chinese king who discovered tea. The Emperor consumed a few tea leaves, accidentally falling into his boiling water. The resulting infusion was refreshing and invigorating, and this happy discovery led to the tradition of tea drinking. Besides its refreshing qualities, tea drinking habit gives us many health benefits, including disease prevention, hydration, and better mental focus.

What are infusions?

The term "Infusions" refers to drinks made by steeping or soaking plant materials. For example, certain plant materials, such as herbs, flowers, fruits, or spices, can result in refreshing and flavorful beverages when steeped in hot water. This topic often relates to herbal tea, fruit infusions, and floral infusions, where we use many different plant components to prepare different teas.

Types of Infusions

  1. Herbal Teas: Herbal teas, or tisanes, include herbal components to make teas or infusions. Unlike true teas made from the plant Camellia sinensis, herbal teas come in many different flavors and colors. These are also great beverage options for those who are looking for caffeine-free teas.
  1. Fruit Infusions: As the name denotes, Fruit infusions are made by steeping dried or fresh fruits in hot water. The fruits release their flavors and natural sugars into the water during the steeping, creating a refreshing beverage. Popular fruit infusions include tropical fruit mixes, lemon-infused water, and berry infusions.


  1. Floral Infusions: They mostly involve steeping dried flowers in hot water to extract their delicate aromas and flavors. Popular flowers used for infusions include chamomile, hibiscus, rose, lavender and jasmine. Sometimes you might see infusions that are made from fresh flowers as well. Fresh hibiscus or blue butterfly pea flower infusions are some examples of fresh flower infusions. Floral infusions offer many benefits apart from their calming and soothing properties.

 Fruit, herbal or floral infusions are great alternatives for true teas, especially when seeking caffeine-free enjoyment. We cannot ignore these infusions' many health benefits due to their natural compounds, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Some plant materials even contain some inherent beneficial properties resulting from their unique chemical compositions. For example, herbal infusions like chamomile and peppermint are often praised for their calming and digestive properties. If you love trying all new and flavorful infusions, look no further than Asami's herbal tea collection for its refreshing flavors. 

Tips for blending teas and infusions

As tea lovers, we always seek for new flavors, and we also value their many benefits. Like how we enjoy pure teas or infusions, we can create many exciting blends by mixing different teas, fruits and herbals. Here are our top tips for blending different ingredients.

  1. Start with a tea base: Every tea or herbal blend needs a base with other ingredients. This tea base can be any tea or ingredient you prefer, such as black tea, green tea, white tea, or herbal tea. You have to pick a good tea base considering the key flavors or the benefits you plan to achieve from your overall blend. For example, if you plan to achieve a good slimming tea, you can keep green tea as your tea base, which has renowned properties for slimming and metabolism.
  2. Choose Complementary Flavors: After picking the tea base, plan your flavors. Consider the taste profiles of the ingredients and how they will interact with the tea base. For example, if you're using a delicate white or oolong tea, you might want to pair it with subtle flavors that will not overpower the goodness of white tea.
  3. Experiment with Ratios: When blending tea and infusions, you must find the right flavors balance. Experiment with small quantities and adjust the ratios until you achieve the desired taste. Keep notes on your experiments, so you can replicate successful blends in the future.
  4. Visual appeal is important: Blending teas are all about creating a sensory experience. Remember to add vibrant and colorful ingredients, dried flowers or berry fruits to enhance the visual appeal of your blend. You can also improve the overall aroma of the blend by adding aromatic ingredients like citrus or mint.
  5. Taste and Refine: You need to taste your blend throughout the process. Adjust the ingredients or ratios as needed until you are satisfied with the flavor. The blending process is highly subjective, so trust your palate and preferences. However, if you plan to launch this as a commercial product, remember to get sensory feedback from others before your product launch.
  6. Enjoy and Share: Brew a cup and savor the flavors once you've created your unique blend. Share it with friends and family to get their feedback.


The world of teas and infusions is truly fascinating. Some may love to drink pure teas, while others prefer to savor individual herbs or other infusions. Both these ways are great ways for refreshment, but blending teas and infusions is always more exciting. You can achieve delicious flavor combinations by fusing teas and infusions. So get up and get to the world of tea and infusions to achieve a world of flavors and benefits!